6 Stress-Busting Tips For Stress Awareness Month

6 Stress-Busting Tips For Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month, and if you're feeling the pressure at work, you're not alone. Stress can have very real, negative effects on the body and mind, so it’s important to manage stress effectively to avoid the harm that stress can cause.

The good news is that there are things you can do to manage work-related stress, and one of the most effective ways is by paying attention to your ergonomics so you can prime yourself to be as comfortable (and, in turn, stress-free!) as possible!

Here are six tips to help you use ergonomics to manage work stress:

Embrace Pro - Ergonomic Chair

Tip 1: Adjust your chair

Your chair is one of the most important pieces of ergonomic furniture in your workspace, so it’s important to invest in one that’s worth your while. If you’re looking for suggestions, the Omnidesk Embrace Pro has 12 points of ergonomic adjustment so that you can sit in ergonomically supported comfort.

Tip 2: Use a monitor arm

A monitor arm can help you adjust your computer screen to the perfect height and angle, reducing eye strain and neck pain. Opt for one that allows you to customise the perfect viewing angle, like the ARC Stealth, which comes in both single and dual options - perfect for any set up!

Arc Stealth Monitor Arms
ARC stealth dual monitor arm

Tip 2: Use a monitor arm

A monitor arm can help you adjust your computer screen to the perfect height and angle, reducing eye strain and neck pain. Opt for one that allows you to customise the perfect viewing angle, like the ARC Stealth, which comes in both single and dual options - perfect for any set up!

Embrace Pro - Ergonomic Chair

Tip 3: Take breaks

It's important to take regular breaks throughout the day to give your body and mind a chance to rest and recharge. Set a timer or an alarm to remind you to take a break every hour or so, since regular breaks allow you to reap the benefits of reduced stress and better productivity.

Tip 4: Stretch regularly

Regular stretching can help to prevent muscle tension and stiffness, which can contribute to work-related stress. Try some simple stretches like shoulder rolls or neck stretches throughout the day.

Office stretch
Office stretch

Tip 4: Stretch regularly

Regular stretching can help to prevent muscle tension and stiffness, which can contribute to work-related stress. Try some simple stretches like shoulder rolls or neck stretches throughout the day.

Ascent - Height Adjustable Desk

Tip 5: Invest in an ergonomic desk

An ergonomic desk like the Omnidesk Ascent can make a big difference in reducing work-related stress. With a height-adjustable desk, you can switch between sitting and standing positions throughout the day, which can help to reduce fatigue and improve focus. Not to mention, it’s got other benefits for your health too!

Tip 6: Talk it out!

We admit: this isn’t an ergonomic hack per se, but we thought it would be worth mentioning.

If you’ve got a high-pressure job, it can be hard to mentally check out at the end of the work day. This is especially true if work tends to stretch beyond the regular 9 to 5! If your stress is beginning to manifest in unhealthy ways such as anxious thoughts, obsessive worrying or sleepless nights, there’s no shame in seeking medical attention or counselling to help you cope.

6 Stress-Busting Tips For Stress Awareness Month
6 Stress-Busting Tips For Stress Awareness Month

Tip 6: Talk it out!

We admit: this isn’t an ergonomic hack per se, but we thought it would be worth mentioning.

If you’ve got a high-pressure job, it can be hard to mentally check out at the end of the work day. This is especially true if work tends to stretch beyond the regular 9 to 5! If your stress is beginning to manifest in unhealthy ways such as anxious thoughts, obsessive worrying or sleepless nights, there’s no shame in seeking medical attention or counselling to help you cope.

By incorporating these tips into your workday, you can begin taking effective steps to reduce work-related stress and improve your overall health and wellbeing. Remember - stress can have very real consequences for your physical and mental health, so make sure to stop it in its tracks with the tips above!